VPN Setup

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VPN Setup

  1. VPN Setup Guide : An easy way of setting up a VPN connection in Windows XP.

  2. Go to "Setting" and select "Network Connections".

  3. On the left hand side, choose "Create a new connection". The Windows XP New Connection Wizard will appear on the screen.

  4. Click on "Next", then choose "Connect to the network at my workplace" item from the list and click "Next" again

  5. On the Network Connection page of the wizard, select "Virtual Private Network connection" option and click "Next".

  6. Enter a name for the new VPN connection in the "Company Name" field and click "Next".

  7. Choose an option on the "Public Network" screen. The default option, "Automatically dial this initial connection" can be used if the VPN connection will always be initiated when the computer is not already connected to the Internet. The second option "Do not dial the initial connection"  requires that the public Internet connection be established first, before this new VPN connection will be initiated.

  8. Choose an option on the "Connection Availability" screen and click Next. The default option, "My Use Only" ensures that Windows will make this new connection available only to the currently logged on user. Otherwise, choose the "Anyone's use" option.

  9. Click "Finish" to complete the wizard. The new VPN connection information has been saved.

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